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'Urban Forestry Today' Presents two Upcoming CEU Opportunities - Jan 09 & 16, 2025 @ Noon (Eastern)
"Guidelines for Impactful Urban Forestry: The Case for the 3+30+300 Rule"
with Dr. Cecil Konijnendijk
 In-Ground Fabric (IGF) Container Tree Planting
Urban Trees and Plymouth Shoreline, Plymouth, MA
Here we answer common questions and offer helpful do-it-yourself tips about tree planting, soil sampling, and the environment:
Urban Forestry Today 'Do-It-Yourself' Video Series
1. Watch the webcast and obtain the CEU course code at the end of the live presentation.
2. Complete the participant survey by clicking on the button:
3. Go to the CE Credit page and complete the appropriate form for CEUs.
 Percolation Testing
For more information:
Dr. Rick W. Harper
Extension Professor of Urban & Community Forestry
Department of Environmental Conservation
University of Massachusetts Amherst
160 Holdsworth Way
Amherst, MA 01003
Join Prof. Rebecca Hargrave, State University of NY @ Morrisville and Mathew Cahill, Massachusetts Dept of Conservation & Recreation
as they discuss important best practices designed to help communities design and implement a local tree ordinance.
The fee for this LIVE 2-hr BROADCAST, 1/16/26 from Noon-2PM (Eastern) is $20USD & will support the New England Chapter of ISA.
Certified Arborists in attendance will have the opportunity to earn 2.0 ISA/1.0 MCA CEUs.
Pre-register to attend by clicking here or visit
UFTs 2-hr Winter Tree Summit, "Composing & Implementing a Community Tree Ordinance"
with Rebecca Hargrave, SUNY Morrisville and Mathew Cahill, MA DCR
Urban Forestry Today
 Soil Sampling
Obtain CE Credit for the LIVE BROADCAST in three easy steps:
 Traditional Container-Grown (CG) Tree Planting
Internationally, communities continue to strive to increase urban forest cover. Join Dr. Cecil Konijnendijk,
European Forum on Urban Forestry, as he discusses and details the 3+30+300 rule for urban forest management.
Pre-register or attend the free Noonhour (Eastern) broadcast live 1/09/25 at no cost & receive an ISA/MCA CEU
by clicking here or by visiting & entering: 368-320-267
(Space will be limited – all attendees are strongly encouraged to join promptly, the day of the broadcast)