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Join Jody Gangloff-Kaufmann, Ph.D., NYS IPM Program @ Cornell University, as she outlines some best practices
about identifying and mitigating the risk associated with common stinging insects in the landscape.
Register or attend live at noon (Eastern) 10/03/24 at no cost & receive an ISA/MCA CEU by clicking here
or by visiting & entering: 368-320-267
(Space will be limited – all attendees are strongly encouraged to join promptly, the day of the broadcast)
Dr. Rick W. Harper
Extension Professor of Urban & Community Forestry
Department of Environmental Conservation
University of Massachusetts Amherst
160 Holdsworth Way
Amherst, MA 01003
Urban Forestry Today's Monthly Noonhour (Eastern) Webcasts continue Thursday October 03
w/ Dr. Jody Gangloff-Kaufmann, "Arborists & Stinging Insects: Staying Safe in the Landscape"
For more information:
Here we answer common questions and offer helpful do-it-yourself tips about tree planting, soil sampling, and the environment:
 In-Ground Fabric (IGF) Container Tree Planting
 Percolation Testing
Urban Trees and Plymouth Shoreline, Plymouth, MA
Obtain CE Credit for the LIVE BROADCAST in three easy steps:
Urban Forestry Today
 Soil Sampling
Urban Forestry Today 'Do-It-Yourself' Video Series
 Traditional Container-Grown (CG) Tree Planting
1. Watch the webcast and obtain the CEU course code at the end of the live presentation.
2. Complete the participant survey by clicking on the button:
3. Go to the CE Credit page and complete the appropriate form for CEUs.